Judit Varga is minister of justice of Hungary.
BUDAPEST — Green parties have been making gains, particularly in Western Europe, as awareness about the urgency of the need to fight climate change grows.
But if the Greens are getting a boost in the polls, it’s not because they have hit on the most effective way of tackling the issue. Rather, when it comes to climate policy, they have largely been playing uncontested on an empty field.
To truly address the challenge, we need an alternative approach to Green liberalism — something Europe’s Christian conservative parties are well-placed to put forward.
Conservatism has always attached special importance to the support of rural communities and local initiatives. These communities typically live close to and are dependent on nature and play a crucial role in passing on important ecological knowledge, values and skills from generation to generation. As the Austrian scientist and Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz underlined, farmers are still aware of something many city dwellers seem to have forgotten — namely, that natural resources are exhaustible.
“The costs of a climate-neutral economy should primarily be borne by the climate wreckers” — Viktor Orbán, Hungarian prime minister
In contrast to Green liberalism, a conservative approach to the environment rests on the belief that only local solutions, not vague, unenforceable global commitments, will lead to effective improvements in environmental protection.
Multilateral environmental treaties, such as the 2015 Paris Agreement, have only a limited effect on the biggest polluting countries, which typically fall short of meeting their commitments under such agreements. Instead, it should be primarily incumbent on the individual states to develop a system of environmental regulation that is based on their local environment and its needs, and is adjusted to the sustainable development of that country.
Instead of formulating instant, sensationalized, easily communicable commitments without estimating their societal, economic and civilizational impact and executability, Europe should be focusing on achieving long-lasting results.
To accomplish this, we need a European solution to climate change that is based on policies that do not force people to bear the burden of change in the long run but takes into account their specific needs and allows them to play a supportive role in the transition.

A Budapest view is seen with the ‘Lanchid’ (Chain Bridge) and the Margaret Bridge | Attila Kisibenedek/AFP via Getty Images
It is, of course, in our shared interest to preserve the Earth for our grandchildren. But we must understand that this is a huge undertaking with a significant price tag. The cost of protecting our environment cannot be shifted to poorer countries or to the most vulnerable citizens, employees or pensioners.
“The costs of a climate-neutral economy,” as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said recently, “should primarily be borne by the climate wreckers: the large polluting countries and large companies.” The largest burden should not be placed on the shoulders of those least equipped to bear it. Measures that make people’s daily lives more difficult due to an increase in taxes, prices or overhead expenses, are ultimately not sustainable.
Nor can funding the EU’s climate goals come at the cost of the social and economic development of Europe’s more disadvantaged regions. Financing a fair transition to a climate-neutral economy should not divert funds away from cohesion policy, but should be leveraged from a separate budgetary surplus.
If EU cohesion funds get reallocated to climate protection purposes, poorer countries will be paying a high price for the fight against climate change and carrying too much of the burden.
We must also acknowledge that no transition toward a carbon-neutral society can succeed without nuclear energy.
It is important that we encourage people living in big cities to become more sensitive to local problems and make responsible consumer choices.
Yes, we have the means to achieve carbon-neutral energy production for all public and industrial needs. But individual countries should be free to choose their own tools to achieve this goal, taking into account their different capabilities and skills. ExxonMobil’s forecast for 2040 confirms that by decommissioning coal-based power generation, demand for natural gas, renewables and nuclear energy will increase and that renewables will not be able to replace nuclear energy.
Europe should be supporting traditional communities, rural farmers and people leading an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Movements in the name of protecting creation, including the natural beauty of our created world, are inspired by Christian ideas and remain strong in our rural communities, many of which retain valuable traditions and know-how.
It is equally important that we encourage people living in big cities to become more sensitive to local problems and make responsible consumer choices, including purchasing local products and goods when possible and eschewing a lifestyle that promotes high consumption.
Green parties have made inroads because, until recently, no other political force has come up with a detailed plan to counter climate change. That needs to change, and that is why Hungary has launched a new national climate strategy based on Christian conservative values that is backed by strong political will. We all have a high stake in the debate over how to protect our environment for future generations.