Marie Le Conte is a freelance journalist based in London and the author of “Haven’t You Heard…? Gossip, power and how politics really works” (535, September 2019).
LONDON — There’s never been a better time to be an introvert. For people who yearn to stay alone at home, quietly reading books and taking long baths, the current coronavirus pandemic is, if not a dream come true, at least an opportunity to indulge their interests. In fact, chances are their governments have instructed them to do exactly that.
Sadly, these things also happen to be an extrovert’s worst nightmare. To those who flourish when in the company of others, the next few weeks — or months — may well be hell. So, how can you tend to your social life (and mental health) without being a bad citizen?
At time of writing, most European governments have moved away from recommending mere social distancing, and are encouraging people to stay at home as much as they can — and if they go out, to go alone.
Still, if human contact becomes out of the question, it does not mean you should cut yourself off from society altogether.
If you were slow or reluctant to join the WhatsApp or Instagram voice note revolution, now is the time to go all in.
Instead of being at a bar or in a restaurant, why not schedule some drinks over Skype? For it to work, take it seriously: Prepare yourself a drink (maybe now is the time to get into intricate cocktails, or start making your own kombucha?), ditch the pyjamas, and even put some make-up on if you’re that way inclined. Preparing a meal beforehand is not compulsory, but can be a nice touch if previously agreed by both parties.
It isn’t quite the same, of course, but having someone to talk to and a face to look at that is not your own should stave off madness for at least a few more days.
Chatting in this way also has its upsides; without the risk of people eavesdropping around you, you can share sensitive political gossip or salacious bedroom stories with abandon. The same goes for phone calls, of course; if evening Skype drinks are kept as a special occasion, long calls with friends, favorite colleagues or mums should not be used sparingly.
Embrace your inner teenage girl, and learn (or relearn) to spend hours on end on the phone, not really talking about anything in particular; few things are as comforting as inane chatter while you’re pottering around the house.
In a similar vein, if you were slow or reluctant to join the WhatsApp or Instagram voice note revolution, now is the time to go all in. Text messaging is more convenient when you’re on the go, but let’s face it: If you have to spend a fortnight by yourself, you’ll come to cherish anything that takes time and demands all your attention.
Once you’re comfortable with the format, you can start experimenting. If all parties agree to a clause that all that happens in quarantine stays in quarantine, there is no reason why you shouldn’t start serenading your loved ones from afar, or practicing your rapping skills and asking for constructive feedback.
Similarly, you might experiment with online games and find one you like that allows multiple players. One issue with self-isolation is that people won’t have much to talk about after their third or fourth day — no matter how hard you try to make them interesting, there is only so many times you can discuss your meals and dreams.
Giving yourself and your chosen friend(s) something concrete to discuss would be useful — or at the very least something to get playfully competitive about. After all, playing the same game several days in a row can give you a shared sense of purpose, and heaven knows that it is something that will probably go missing by the end of the first week.
Finally — and especially if you’re self employed — it may be a good idea to convince some freelance friends to join Slack and chat on it during work hours. Getting work done without colleagues or real-life distractions around can be tough at the best of times, but it might prove impossible when you know there’s no pub to look forward to at the end of the day.

It may be a good idea to convince some freelance friends to join Slack and chat on it during work hours | Eric Baradat/AFP via Getty Images
By actively being able to discuss what you’re working on with some people (and take time out yourself by advising them on their work), chances are you’ll feel more productive — and a bit more sane.
And really, if you’ve tried all of these but your skin is still itching at the mere thought of spending another day alone, you can always agree to meet nearby friends in a park and stand 5 meters away from them, then shout at each other until you feel refreshed.
That might not be dignified, but neither is being an extrovert forced away from what keeps them alive. Good luck to us all, we’ll need it.